Downtown Chloride, Arizona will be the hottest ticket in 2 states for your St. Patrick’s Celebrations!
Car clubs from Arizona and Nevada are meeting up to participate in the Chloride Parade.
The BoneShakers Car Club will be meeting at RailRoad Pass and pulling out at 8:30am SHARP.
They will have rat rods, classic cars and more. The cruise is not a race, we want everyone to be able to stay together as a group and be safe.
They will be meeting the Arizona Pharoahs and their group at the New Shell Station located at about mile marker 28 near White Hills, Arizona.
Once everyone has gotten there, they will cruise into Chloride as 1 big group.
See our Facebook Event Page for Updates! Cruise to Chloride St. Patrick’s Day Parade
There is a $10 fee to register your car in the parade and the proceeds go to help Chloride put on other events and do some work around their community.
There will be all kinds of family friendly activities going on in Chloride for the day.
They will have food vendors, a bed and bath race, an old western gunfight, a bullwhip show and MORE.
We expect to have between 30-50 cars in the parade. Chloride will have a WIDE variety of parade participants (I have been told there are usually horses, crazy characters and I know of at least one donkey.) So there will be a lot of fun things for the kids and grandkids!
If you are going to bring your car for the parade, I am strongly encouraging everyone to have their registration filled out BEFORE we get to Chloride. This will make things a LOT smoother for everyone.
We will have a limited number of registration printed out for you to fill out before we reach Chloride, but if you want to go ahead and print your own to have finished, just click the PDF below.
You will need $10 CASH to register! No Credit Cards or Debit Cards!
I have a 2008 Mustang Convertible that was built for the SEMA show that year, it is a one of a kind, I would like to go with you to Chloride and can meet you at Railroad pass, but I noticed on the registration form that there is no place to enter the vehicle, it isn’t an antique or a classic.
Hi Ron, you are more than welcome to join us!
The parade form was made before we got the cruise together,so they only had a few cars that always did the parade. We however mixed it up and will have all makes and models welcome, even bikes and slingshots welcome.
We will love having you and the spectators will love seeing your custom car!