It’s not everyday you get to cruise down an Arizona highway with 2 rat rods and get 360 video.
For 1 week every year Las Vegas is home to some of the coolest rat rods around, they come in from all over the USA to show off what they built at RatCity Rukkus.
There are several events going on and one of those is the Road to Rukkus hosted by Rat Rod Addiction. These are rat rods that meet up and cruise into Las Vegas together on the Wednesday before the show.
They make a stop in Kingman, Arizona for lunch and then head to Vegas.
This year we had 2 rat rods that were already in Las Vegas and wanted to go to Arizona to meet them for the cruise back. So, being in the Las Vegas area, Kenny Earls called me to see if I could arrange a meetup to cruise over.

We met up with 2 rat rods and headed to Kingman. This gave me a chance to get some one of a kind footage and have a blast doing it. Hearing those rat rods roaring down the highway may have made my heart go pitter patter.
One of the things we did was use the 360 camera to get some footage of runnin with the rats. Using a regular camera is fun, but at those speeds it isn’t smart to be hanging out the window trying to get footage of them behind you, so this is where my 360 comes in.
This is a 1 minute video that allows you to spin it and follow the rat rods as we pass them and then they come back by us.
What did it take to get this footage?
- You have to have 2 very cool rat rods, thanks to Veek Baskerville with his diesel Rat Roh and Jerry Newman with his Mr. B rat rod truck, we have that covered.
- A very stable selfie stick! I hate that I have to use a selfie stick, but it is a must. It also can not have any give it in when traveling at those speeds.
- A 360 camera that will take video. I use the Yi 360 VR camera.
- A good driver that can keep you on the road and pays attention to the cars you are trying to capture.
- The balls to stick that camera out a window at those speeds.
So I now look forward to making more 360 videos of cars cruising and I hope you enjoyed the view!
- Po-Po Disclaimer: At no time did I see the speedometer go over the legal speed limit, this video just makes it seem like we were going fast.